contact me...

if you have any questions or have an idea or want me to share something of your's...feel free to e-mail me. i'd love to hear from you.

It's taken me a while.....

.....but I have an update!!!
I got some wood from my mom that was my dads. He was
an amazing carpenter and I am so glad that I got to use some wood that was
sentimental in this project.
So once again....being me....I didn't get a before! Can someone help me with this problem?
Anyway....but I do have some during picture. The first couple are with my phone so excuse the
So this is what the wood started out as. I sanded it because it was pretty weathered.

I didn't take a picture of this but before I painted the wood I stained it with an ebony stain then painted over it with the turquoise paint then sanded it to get the dark to show through. I like how it turned out. To finish I lightly sprayed it with a polyurethane to seal it all in.

And this is what I did with it! It's not completely finished yet....there's one more,
final touch that I want to add to it...but I'm pretty happy with it for now.

I love these old knobs! I have had them for ever and never had the perfect place for them.....but now I do. Yay!

I will hopefully get my booty in gear and get that other super fun thing to finish this wall off soon. I'm excited to show you what the finished space will look like.

Happy Making!


So there is this's too amazing for of my faves. And this is the reason why.
I think I will be needing to copy this asap! 
Love you Brooke at All Things Thrifty! You are Supa Fab!
So freaking cute!

Seriously....this looks like heaven to me.
I think that I need this in my front room....hmmm...I guess I'm on the hunt for a birdcage now. 
Check out her blog and she tells you how to make it! She's THAT cool!
Thanks for looking!
Happy Making!

Never throw it away!!!

Little update on this little guy I did a couple weeks ago....
I haven't loved the knobs on this....and haven't really dared to spend flippin $4 a knob to get what I till then I came up with a little solution....But you can't see it yet...You'll have to stay tuned...I'll post it soon!
But today I finished another project...I'm on a roll! 
So here's a quick story. The hubbs and I got this table and chairs from the MIL for a wedding gift almost 8 years ago. It looked very similar to this...
Sorry...awful it googling. lol I'm bad at befores...remember! we moved into the house we are in a little over a year ago and this table looked like Barbie table in our large dining we bought a new, very beautiful one, one which my daughter felt the need to spill nail polish remover on and ruin the finish on one corner. That's another story though...Anyway...I couldn't see throwing out a perfectly good table and
I had always wanted a sofa table...
see where I'm going with this?
I had the hubbs cut it in half length wise, move the legs forward and VOILA!
This is the table cut in half and half primed....again...bad at before pics...I think I need a support group for it or she is in all her beauty! 
The color I went with is a cute turquoise (I also painted my pantry door this color)
Here's the lovely lady all painted up...
You like my little secrets? Don't know if they are really secrets...but I felt pretty smart!

So then after I let the paint dry for a day I had to add a little something more...
Hard to tell in this picture...but I did glaze it a little bit. 
You can kinda see it more in this one. I'm so happy with it. 
So there you have it! Thanks for looking!
Oh....also, I now have a facebook page. Go and like will make me feel good! ;)
Happy Making!

Feelin' the love!

So just in my browsing for Valentine's day stuff I came across some really cute things that I wanted to share with you. Maybe you need some more fab decor for the
the holiday or looking for some cute gift ideas.
This first one is from DIY Party Designs. I've seen these done a few times...but I think they are so cute and simple and look like they would only take a few minutes to whip up.
Next up is a super cute and I think it could be a very personal gift too....if given to the right person.
How cute is that!?!?!? Make a special playlist for your smoopie! Love it!
(I wish my hubby liked music more...I'd totally do this!)
Got this idea from EventTagious
 And I saved the best for last! 
You might just freak the flip out when you see this! I had no idea
this was even possible!
 That is a PAPER FLOWER people!!!
Oh my...and the tutorial doesn't seem like it would be hard at all!!!
I kinda wanna make one of these and take it to my daughter at school...
I think I would be the coolest mom ever...right??? 
Isn't it gorgeous??? I can hardly stand it!
Okay...I guess I'll share where I found this one. You can thank me later! :)
They used these for the bride and bridesmaies that not just the cutest idea EVERRRR?? 
I thought so too! 
Anywho...There are a few ideas that I found that I liked...hope you do too!!
Thanks for looking!
Happy Making!

I love love!

I love Valentines Day....I love having more than my anniversary to
celebrate my love for my hubby!
And I also love V-Day decor!
Anyone see this??
I guess that this post is kinda headed in that direction. :)
Because the project I'm going to show you,
I got from Pintrest! 
If you don't know what Pintrest is then you must be living under a rock!
Come on out....the Pintrest is fine! hee hee
I know I'm not the only one addicted to this site So I'm 
not going to feel guilty about blogging about it....
okay back to the project....This is what was pinned...that I loved...
...cute huh! You should totally visit Simple As That....she has super cute stuff over yonder! Anywho...I totally fell in love and had to make one for my house. 
So this is the one I did...
(note--my damask obsession shines through in almost everything I do. lol)
Isn't it cute??? I'm so happy with it I can hardly stand it. It may be making
an appearance at our ward Valentines party coming up soon....
maybe photo booth style! :) 
Anyway...I just had to share with you my quick, fun project for today!

*Project goal for this week is to paint  my sofa table. Hoping to share 
pics with you soon!
Happy Making!

Sweet little Lego party...

What's this?? I'm back again??? Twice in a month....Hopefully I can keep this up! ;) I'm here to share a little Lego party I did for my nephew. 
It was a lot of fun to experiment with new things this time around. 
Here's a shot of the whole spread...
 What do you think?

It was fun! It was my first time ever working with fondant. Fun to play with. 
I have decided that I would share how I did the little fondant Legos, so here we go...
This is the fondant I used. VERY convenient that it came in the colors that I needed! I got this at Wal-Mart for about $10.
I kneaded it a little and then rolled it out and cut out the size rectangle I wanted. I used a very sharp paring knife for this. It worked really well, but if you don't have that then a friend of mine suggested using an exacto knife. 
I also got this awesome idea from that same friend mentioned above (Hi Becky!)
Using my plain circle icing tip to cut out my circles. Worked like a charm! 
Then I glued the circles on the rectangles using vanilla extract. Becky (Thanks again...she's a fondant pro) said that any extract will work, but vodka works best....didn't have any of that lying around so this was the weapon of choice. 
Frosted the cupcakes and VOILA! The cupcake liners I found at Zurchers, they also happened to be the perfect colors. I used my son's MegaBloks as a backdrop/cupcake stand. I think it turned out pretty cute. 
And these little guys intimidated me quite a bit...but once I got the hang of it, it was fun and I felt like I was an artist. LOL Any of you know me, you know I an NOT an artist! So if I can do these....anyone can. I used a Wilton food marker for these. 
TIP: It wasn't a smooth process, writing on the chocolate....have a paper close buy to that you can get your ink going again when it starts not working so well. I hope I can figure out a better way to do this soon....but that is what I did for these Little Lego Heads.
And that's it....the Lego Party. Hope that if you decide to do a lego party and use any of the things I shared that you will send me some pics....I'd love to see!!!
Thanks for looking!
Happy Making!

New Year...New Me!

So with the new year I am hoping to get my butt in gear and post more....and create more. I'm hoping to share some fab parties and some projects that I hope I can conquer. Also hoping to get some more readers, so tell your friends about me. I'd love the visits! To start out the new year I have a couple things I've painted that I wanted to share.....
This first one is just a small little project....
 (I'm apologizing for the picture quality....took these with my phone) So I got the M at joanns. I used a 50% off coupon so I think it was like $5 or $6. Cheap! It is one of those cardboard letters. I painted it with an "oops" color from Lowes that I got for $1. I added a little glaze love to it and I like it. This picture makes it look lighter than it's more of a burnt orange in person. So there you have it...the M!
Next is my favorite I've done since the record player  I did a while back. I have had this for a while and just didn't know quite what I wanted to do with it, didn't know what color....didn't know what its purpose would be...just kinda lost....then I saw THIS...
 From one of my favorite furniture blogs Oops! Redone (She's amazing BTW!) and thought that I could sure use some storage in my craft room...cause it's a DISASTER! So that was it's purpose....then I was stumped on color....
here is the before...
(once again...forgive the quality...)
A mid-before...cause I am so bad at getting a REAL before. I need to work on that.
And here's the after...
 I LOVE the color I chose! I believe the color is mossy green from Olympic (Lowes). And then lightly glazed it with a dark stain. I tend to stay on the safe side when it comes to paint colors...but I just threw caution to the wind with this one and I'm so glad I did! 
The last thing I need to finish it up is to get some BOMB DIGGITY knobs! These are okay and will do....but I need a little BOOM with this! hee hee. 
Anyway....thanks for looking I hope you will see me and I will see you (kinda....that sounds creepy) here more often! 
Happy Making! xoxo

Adoooooorable Circus B-Day Party

So I have the super amazing friend.
She threw her little boy a super amazing Circus Party.
And I am here now to share it with you!
Everything is so cute and creative and 
every little detail is perfectly placed.
Makes me want a circus party for MY birthday! ha
Here are the amazing shots of all the amazingness.
 Isn't that just so dang cute?!?!?

 And look at that little adorable!
The sickening part is I'm pretty sure she made all that stuff....even the pixi sticks and whirly pops! Yup....she's THAT good! ;)

 Am I right or am I right??

 Looks like they are having a blast!

 And last, but CERTAINLY not least.....
The birthday boy!
Thanks for letting me share, Erin!
Good work!
Happy Making!

You're my Cupiecake!

Seeeeeee....I'm back again, and with a feature that might knock
you out of your chair! Hold on tight!
So I stalk blogs....that's just me....well....while I was
stalking this morning I came across just about the cutest things
I think you will agree! ;)
Am I right or am I right???
Did you fall out of your chair....cause I almost did just posting this!
So I love me a party and I LOVE me a cupcake...I sooooo have to do this at the next shindig I throw!
 (seriously...I can't take anymore of the cuteness!...okay...I can!)
The lovely lady behind these beauties....the creator of
You are just going to die over some of the beautiful things she
has over there. So head over there and check her out....give yourself at least an hour...cause you will be glued!
Love you Cake School!!!
Happy Making!

I'm back....with a PARTY nonetheless!!!

Okay....I'm back and I hope to be a lot more
often! We just had my oldest daughters
11th birthday party (Oh my...I'm OLD!)
We did a Red&Aqua damask
Spa Party!
It was a lot of fun! I wish I had gotten more pics than I did,
but you know how it get caught up in all the
hype! Okay....enough are the pics!
Here's the spread...Love the colors! It was fun to work with them!

Here are the cupcakes! They were delish....the blue ones are red velvet with cream cheese frosting and the white ones are S'more....mmmmmm....I just used the red velvet cake (since it's really just a chocolate cake) and made YUMMY marshmallow frosting! Woooaaahhh Momma! Those were delish!

Some treats and the favors...they had nail polish, hairspray, a hair brush, a loofah, and a little tea light candle. To relive the spa experience! ;)

I had a few people come help with hair and nails....sooo fun!
I think they loved it....what do you think?!?!?

They had a lot of fun! Thank to all who helped out!
Love you all to the moon and back!
I will chalk this one up as a success!

Happy Making!

my family

my family

About This Blog

This is a blog that I thought I would share all the things I, crafts, treats and more.

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