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I need some help! PLEASE!

I neglect the blog, then I post twice in a day!
I'm a little on the crazy side these days! ;)
It sure is nice when spring brings lovely gifts...
I was wanting to plant tulips in the fall so bad...but Ryan
insisted that we wait for the following year cause we were going to redo all the strange garden spots in our yard...well...low and behold, look what spring has brought me!!
Not tulips, but daffodils are the next best thing....right?
And what the heck are those cute little things down at the bottom there?? I have no idea...but they are going to be pulled up with the rest of the stuff to save and plant in the fall again! So cute!

Okay....on to what I need help with...
we had a table....our dining table before we moved...when we put it in our new dining room it looked like a barbi we got a new bigger one. But how can I just throw out a piece of furniture??
Well, I can't! This is roughly what it looked like before...

We just didn't have the bench.
Well...I had the hubbs turn it into this:
I have always wanted a sofa table....not really to go with
the sofa...but just another place to decorate.
So this is what it is now....what I need help with is what color I should paint it?!?!?
I am LOST on this one!
Soooo I am asking for your suggestions!
Thanks in advance!!
I will for sure post the finished product when I figure all
this out!

Happy Making!

Lorie  – (April 20, 2011 at 4:00 PM)  

The surprise flowers are hyacinth. And do you have a picture of the room you are going to put the table in...that would help with picking a table color. ;D Otherwise I am going to say something REALLY bright and fun like your hyacinths! ;D

Jaycee  – (April 21, 2011 at 1:19 PM)  

You are so lucky to have hyacinths! They smell the best! I would always wait a year to see what pops up in the yard in a new house. You never know what you are going to find!!

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