contact me...

if you have any questions or have an idea or want me to share something of your's...feel free to e-mail me. i'd love to hear from you.


I've been so absent...I don't even know if anyone even visits me here anymore. sorry.
I just wanted to let you all in on a little giveaway I'm's a photography giveaway....and here are the deets!
I am feeling that I need to do something good....something meaningful. So I am here to tell you that I am doing a giveaway, but it's a special giveaway. A complete session is going to go to a deserving
And I need you! Please send me nominations, someone you might know may be having a heard time, health issues, something of that sort. So I am asking you to email me their story by July 15th and pass the word along...tell your friends and family to nominate too. 
I will have a non-bias opinion help me with the decision. 
Help me help someone else.

If you are in the Utah area or know of a family who does that could use the session.....this applies to you!
Thank You and Happy Making!

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This is a blog that I thought I would share all the things I, crafts, treats and more.

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